Research Ethics

Crossing Borders: Learning Racism

The big quandary when working on these highly mediatized representations is that we risk reinforcing the very images we’re trying to critique. To help situate the work we do, the short video discusses how Anna understands the roots of her work on anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant racism, growing up in a small industrial town in the north of the Netherlands. Her school changed dramatically from grade 1 to grade 2 as large numbers of labour migrants from Turkey and Morocco brought their children. Anna shares two anecdotes that puzzled her as a child. At the end of the video, Anna recounts how Gökçe clarified what was going on.

Borders, Boundaries, Bodies Podcast Segment

We also share a podcast segment that includes discussions with one of our former RA’s and between Anna and Gökçe on the ethics of doing this work.

Introductory story

0:00 to 0:57 – How Anna entered this work after the murder of Pim Fortuyn 0:00-0:57

Story I

0:58 to 4:00 – doing a workshop on “Muslim women terrorists” and unpacking how that is a racist term 0:58-4:00

Story II

4:00 to 9:16 – Talking with Gökçe about being told we were racist at a conference in Amsterdam 4:00 to 9:16